Goddess Reset and Rejuvenation Retreat
Friday January 26th pm to Sunday January 28th at 4:00 pm
Hi Goddess!! It's Dr. Kimarie Machinga from Brave Breakthroughs.com, formally known as Journey Within. I am so excited to announce my second Annual Goddess “Reset and Rejuvenation Retreat”. Do you believe December is here already? If you are anything like me, you get so caught up in the hustle and bustle, trying to finish the "to do" list, hoping to get it all done by the end of the year. We don’t step back and notice, never mind celebrate all that we have done and the effort we put in. This is how we get depleted and burn out. This is how resentment builds and we end up feeling alone and unappreciated. Can you relate? When that little girl inside is being nourished, inspired and celebrated, her full potential to step into the power of her inner Goddess is activated. With the work I do, we address 5 Elements we address to be the full expression of ourselves are to: Reset, Remove, Replenish Restore and Roadmap. I believe that when you are encouraged to embody the full expression of ourselves, with a clear vison of why you are here, what makes you unique and how you can make a difference in the world, there is no stopping you. I believe Brave Breakthroughs occur, when we put down our defenses and allow ourselves to be led past the blind spots that have held us back, so we can step into all of who we are. What waits for you on the other side, is the life you were destined for... It all starts by investing in YOU first. So, I invite you to start the year off reconnecting with your inner Goddess (that little girl inside). While getting in full alignment, allow her to lead you with clarity toward your goals and dreams in the upcoming year. The retreat will take place on the New Moon weekend because it gives us the opportunity to get juiced up and re-energized by the powerful energy it brings. This is our opportunity to Reset, Restore and Rejuvenate the inner Goddess, while merging with our spiritual source. It's a time to remember our divine purpose, to set clear intention on what we want for the upcoming year, and get guidance on the road ahead. We will spend two and half days, fully submerged in celebration of who you are, as a woman, a powerful goddess and spiritual being of light. This weekend we will:
What is Included:
There are limited spots open, for a select few who this really speaks to. So, if you are one of them be sure to act quickly and click the button below. I would like to thank you for taking the time to stop in today. Whether we do this work together now or in the future, my wish for you is, that you allow yourself to be the full expression of who you are, and share your special gifts with the world.
XOXO With Love and Gratitude, Dr. Kimarie |
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