Nourish The Things
That Make Your Heart Sing!
By Dr. Kimarie Machinga

Can I ask you somethings?
“What makes your heart sing?”
“What makes you come alive?”
“What makes you feel rejuvenated?
Not sure? I can understand why…
Women are nurturers by nature, but many men have these qualities as well…
We find ourselves busy being Mom/Dad, partner, friend, colleague and child;
Too often we forget, or become “too busy” to address the desires of the little girl or boy inside and we are left feeling empty, depleted, left out and alone.
When will you allow yourself to dream and explore what makes you come alive?
When you have more money?
When your kids are grown?
I know this scenario all too well…
Picture this:
I am 35 years old, a single Mom, raising my teenage son and adolescent daughter. Feeling overwhelmed by my life and responsibilities, I had reached burnout.
Although my business was aligned with my purpose, I did not understand how to keep it all in balance. I had taken on so much it had drained me. My mindset had been on survival mode for so long, I didn’t know anything else.
I didn’t take time to enjoy the little things - I had so many responsibilities that needed tending to! My soul was starving. I needed to learn to nourish and fuel myself without feeling selfish.
A life-altering shift occurred when my 33-year old cousin, a NYC police officer, died suddenly of a heart attack. This news hit me so hard! He had become a father for the first time just six weeks earlier. At the funeral, many stories were shared about how Sal had lived his life. They went on about how he loved to play jokes and make people laugh – about how he took time to meet his Mom for breakfast and take his sister Christmas shopping. These stories struck something inside me.
Sal did things I viewed as luxuries - like taking time to enjoy the moment.
I wondered, “What am I waiting for?” I knew I could not run on empty much longer. My children were growing so fast and I was missing it!
I learned that day to listen to what my heart needed to fill me up inside. I discovered ways to give without being selfless. By realizing that it doesn’t have to be “either/or”, there was room for my needs in the equation as well!
I started to feel inspired and alive!
I experienced yearnings to try things I had never done or even thought I could do – such as: acting, singing and facilitating workshops, as well as speaking events.
Even though these things intimidated me, the desire within my heart was strong. Something from deep within literally pulled me through these hard times of facing my fears for the first time. Once I made the decision to be willing to go after my dreams and step into my purpose, I knew facing these fears was necessary.
Every step I took toward my goals allowed me to nourish that little girl inside (it was like I got immediate payoffs). Reaching for my dreams made my cup overflow with excitement and I could give from a place of abundance rather than scarcity.
I started to come alive like never before…
Since then, I have appeared in thirteen live theatre performances, three films and have been able to help and inspire people in a much bigger way.
The most valuable lesson I learned from this experience, was to stop worrying about what others think or whether I am good enough, doing enough, or will be accepted.
I dare to be silly.
I take chances and allow myself to be vulnerable and to look foolish. I am now able to give from a place of fullness and love rather than from emptiness and lack.
“What burning desire is inside of you?”
What makes you feel free and as light as a feather?
What makes your heart sing?
Close your eyes and think about what it is that fills you and would nourish the child inside.
I invite you to JUMP INTO YOUR LIFE!
My wish for you, sweet and generous soul, is to nourish the things that make your heart sing. Invest in yourself so your heart can be full, your energy will be replenished, and you can give in a whole new way!
Sal, no longer walks this earth. However, he continues to inspire with his message of joy
- as it has changed my life forever.
Shift from Luxury to Necessity
This allows you to nourish and re-energize your energy and feed your soul, as you connect with your inner child with self-love and self-care.
Somewhere we came to a belief that self-love was self-ish…
This is just simply inaccurate information!
If you feel drained, burned out, overwhelmed, hopeless, and sad, like something is missing, a lack of passion or purpose, too serious or like you are in "survival mode;" then there is confusion around the things considered to be a luxury and that which is necessary for general well-being.
By allowing time each day to do the things you love will allow you to be more productive and energized for your other priorities. What fills you up inside?
*Laughing with friends *Cuddling *Spending time in nature * Hiking *Scuba Diving * Painting or being creative *Charity work *Enjoying your pet *Singing *Dancing *Listen to music *Making Love *Receiving a Massage or Energy Work *Taking classes and workshops * Planting flowers *Fishing *Meditation *Yoga *Tia Chi *Working out * Taking a bath etc.
What are you waiting for to add YOU to the priority list?
Assignment: Take a moment to schedule times in your weekly planner for inner renewal, now. This is no longer an option if you are committed to creating an environment setting you up to thrive.
Afterward, reflect on how the shift in energy.
Do you find that you are more energized and refreshed?
Do you feel replenished?
Notice much more creativity, clarity and insight you may experience by temporarily stepping away from your daily tasks.
“What makes your heart sing?”
“What makes you come alive?”
“What makes you feel rejuvenated?
Not sure? I can understand why…
Women are nurturers by nature, but many men have these qualities as well…
We find ourselves busy being Mom/Dad, partner, friend, colleague and child;
Too often we forget, or become “too busy” to address the desires of the little girl or boy inside and we are left feeling empty, depleted, left out and alone.
When will you allow yourself to dream and explore what makes you come alive?
When you have more money?
When your kids are grown?
I know this scenario all too well…
Picture this:
I am 35 years old, a single Mom, raising my teenage son and adolescent daughter. Feeling overwhelmed by my life and responsibilities, I had reached burnout.
Although my business was aligned with my purpose, I did not understand how to keep it all in balance. I had taken on so much it had drained me. My mindset had been on survival mode for so long, I didn’t know anything else.
I didn’t take time to enjoy the little things - I had so many responsibilities that needed tending to! My soul was starving. I needed to learn to nourish and fuel myself without feeling selfish.
A life-altering shift occurred when my 33-year old cousin, a NYC police officer, died suddenly of a heart attack. This news hit me so hard! He had become a father for the first time just six weeks earlier. At the funeral, many stories were shared about how Sal had lived his life. They went on about how he loved to play jokes and make people laugh – about how he took time to meet his Mom for breakfast and take his sister Christmas shopping. These stories struck something inside me.
Sal did things I viewed as luxuries - like taking time to enjoy the moment.
I wondered, “What am I waiting for?” I knew I could not run on empty much longer. My children were growing so fast and I was missing it!
I learned that day to listen to what my heart needed to fill me up inside. I discovered ways to give without being selfless. By realizing that it doesn’t have to be “either/or”, there was room for my needs in the equation as well!
I started to feel inspired and alive!
I experienced yearnings to try things I had never done or even thought I could do – such as: acting, singing and facilitating workshops, as well as speaking events.
Even though these things intimidated me, the desire within my heart was strong. Something from deep within literally pulled me through these hard times of facing my fears for the first time. Once I made the decision to be willing to go after my dreams and step into my purpose, I knew facing these fears was necessary.
Every step I took toward my goals allowed me to nourish that little girl inside (it was like I got immediate payoffs). Reaching for my dreams made my cup overflow with excitement and I could give from a place of abundance rather than scarcity.
I started to come alive like never before…
Since then, I have appeared in thirteen live theatre performances, three films and have been able to help and inspire people in a much bigger way.
The most valuable lesson I learned from this experience, was to stop worrying about what others think or whether I am good enough, doing enough, or will be accepted.
I dare to be silly.
I take chances and allow myself to be vulnerable and to look foolish. I am now able to give from a place of fullness and love rather than from emptiness and lack.
“What burning desire is inside of you?”
What makes you feel free and as light as a feather?
What makes your heart sing?
Close your eyes and think about what it is that fills you and would nourish the child inside.
I invite you to JUMP INTO YOUR LIFE!
My wish for you, sweet and generous soul, is to nourish the things that make your heart sing. Invest in yourself so your heart can be full, your energy will be replenished, and you can give in a whole new way!
Sal, no longer walks this earth. However, he continues to inspire with his message of joy
- as it has changed my life forever.
Shift from Luxury to Necessity
This allows you to nourish and re-energize your energy and feed your soul, as you connect with your inner child with self-love and self-care.
Somewhere we came to a belief that self-love was self-ish…
This is just simply inaccurate information!
If you feel drained, burned out, overwhelmed, hopeless, and sad, like something is missing, a lack of passion or purpose, too serious or like you are in "survival mode;" then there is confusion around the things considered to be a luxury and that which is necessary for general well-being.
By allowing time each day to do the things you love will allow you to be more productive and energized for your other priorities. What fills you up inside?
*Laughing with friends *Cuddling *Spending time in nature * Hiking *Scuba Diving * Painting or being creative *Charity work *Enjoying your pet *Singing *Dancing *Listen to music *Making Love *Receiving a Massage or Energy Work *Taking classes and workshops * Planting flowers *Fishing *Meditation *Yoga *Tia Chi *Working out * Taking a bath etc.
What are you waiting for to add YOU to the priority list?
Assignment: Take a moment to schedule times in your weekly planner for inner renewal, now. This is no longer an option if you are committed to creating an environment setting you up to thrive.
Afterward, reflect on how the shift in energy.
Do you find that you are more energized and refreshed?
Do you feel replenished?
Notice much more creativity, clarity and insight you may experience by temporarily stepping away from your daily tasks.